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Monday, July 25, 2011

Break-Through in Organic Plant Nutrition

Imagine a Garden Where There's No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Tilling or Cultivating, No Fertilizer Spreading or Compost Shredding, No Manure Spreading or Irrigating, and No Tractor Shed Required...

In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically .
The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space. How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
In 2006-2007, the 'secret' slowly started to leak out and people started catching on... converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.

Sprouts and Sprouting For Your Health

Sprouts for Health and Economy

 “The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the Ark was to the people in the days of Noah.” Ezra Taft Benson,

WANTED  ALIVE"  A vegetable that will grow in any climate, rival meat in nutritional value, mature in 3 to 5 days, may be planted any day of the year, requires neither soil nor sunshine, rivals tomatoes in Vitamin C, has no waste, and can be eaten raw!”

Considering the uncertainty of our times, it is good to know that you can provide healthy food for your family.  No survival food is better than sprouts. Sprouts increase many times in weight, can be stored a long time at low cost and once soaked in water.. any seed begins to ‘sprout’.  Sprouting converts the bean or seed to a vitamin or combination of vitamins.  LUCKY US.
General Sprouting Method à
Buy a large mouth mason jar. An inexpensive sprouter can be made by removing the ring from the jar and replacing the disc with plastic mesh, stainless steel screen or cheese cloth.
         Wash the seeds and soak overnight in tepid untreated water, at least two parts water to one part seed. 
The smaller the seed, the shorter the soak period. Alfalfa seed does well with 3 hours, but will not be harmed by 15 hours, soaking.  The large seed (chickpea, mung, etc.) may be soaked for up to 20 hours.
         Drain the water, wash the seed, drain again. Place the container in a dark warm spot at to hasten growth.
         Twice a day rinse with tepid water. Seeds that float should be removed.  They can cause the sprouts to spoil prematurely.

Seeds for Sprouting à Any live seed will sprout.
We have a bulk department at our local Winco.. I buy orange and red lentil land sunflower seeds, mung and small beans.. any bean will sprout.  Find your favorite.
I bought 50¢ worth of each and tried them… my family liked some better than others.

Here are some basic times for sprouting.
Aduki, when sprouted 3 – 5 days, tastes like fresh garden peas. 
Mung, soy, lentil, peas, and radish are most palatable in 3 or 4 days.
Sesame, flax, and chia are best after 24 hours. 
Alfalfa, clover, and fenugreek are at their best after at least 1 week
Sunflower and pumpkin sprouts are ready in 2 – 4 days
Experiment with spinach, Swiss chard, celery, garlic, lettuce, okra, parsley,

"You are the generation that must be prepared!  You live in the midst of economic, political, and spiritual instability.  When you see these signs, unmistakable evidences that His coming is nigh, be not troubled, but Stand in Holy Places and be not moved until the day of the Lord comes."  -
Ezra Taft Benson

Thursday, July 21, 2011

WD 40 surprise uses

WD40 was originally called... Water Displacement #40
The product began as a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser
to protect missile parts. It was created at a Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project to find "Water Displacement" compound. They were
successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40.

“There is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you.”
The basic ingredient is FISH OIL!.

Here are some of the uses:
1) Protects silver from tarnishing
2) Removes tar/grime from cars
3) Cleans/lubricates guitar strings
4) For a non-slippery 'just-waxed' floor sheen
5) Keeps flies off cows (important to cows!)
6) Restores/cleans chalkboards & whiteboards
7) Removes lipstick stains
8) Loosens stubborn zippers
9) Untangles jewelry chains
10) Removes stains from stainless steel sinks
11) Removes dirt/grime from BBQ grills
12) Restores/cleans leather dashboards & vinyl bumpers
13) Keeps shower-doors free of water spots
14) Keeps scissors working smoothly
15) Lubricates noisy or resistant door hinges
16) Removes black scuff marks from floors
17) Removes Bug guts from your car
18) SUPERFAST children's play slides
19) Lubricates gear shift & mower deck lever on riding mowers.
20) Makes sticky home windows easier to open

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When No One Sells Baking Soda

Did you know that Cream of tartar is made from ground grape seed, soaked in water. The fine white sediment is cream of tartar, similar to the sediment from the corn flour.

Combining baking soda with cream of tartar makes a good baking powder.
Baking powder = 1 part Baking Soda & 2 parts Cream of Tartar

Cream of Tartar and Baking Soda can be stored indefinitely, but Baking powder deteriorates with age. Because it’s two ingredients are cream of tartar and baking soda, you can store the two components indefinitely and make your own whenever you want.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Simple, Easy and Cheap... Soaps

If your following the path to becoming prepared storing the following items is a must. All of them are inexpensive, extremely useful and have a loooong shelf life.. except the lemons of course. Vinegar is also good for pickling, canning, recipes, salad. Apple cider vinegar is another story so long, It’ll have to have it’s own page.

• Vinegar… may smell a little weird, but vinegar can handle everything from dishes to laundry and even weeds. Vinegar is the wonder ingredient in our house.

• Baking soda… eliminates odors, helps with stains, and ants hate it.

• Borax… is a mineral salt that beats bleach as a toilet cleaner and is also useful for scrubbing walls. It works with laundry and dishes, too.

• Fels-Naptha soap... My grandmother always had a bar of Fels-Naptha under the sink for hand wash.. grated it is the wonder ingredient in clothes detergent "use this in addition to a bunch of our other expensive products, like Purex!"

• Rubbing alcohol… Works as a disinfectant and a great glass cleaner. It also gets grime off plastic and metal surfaces like patio furniture or bathroom fixtures.

• Lemon juice... This cuts through dish grease and is an ingredient for homemade furniture polish -- but it's not the easiest thing to preserve long-term.