
PREPAREDNESS ... Stay CALM in the CHAOS & COLLECTED in the CALAMITY. Join the conversation. Make your world a safer place to live.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Prepare Your Pets For An Emergency

Prepare for your animals in an emergency. They're part of the family and they depend on us. My little dogs keep me warm at night and keep me company when I’m lonely. The last thing I’d want in an emergency is to have to worry about their safety.
I wouldn’t sleep if my animals weren’t safe.
We have 3 dogs and 4 horses, 8 goats, 14 chickens and several cages of rabbits. We really think of the goats, chickens and rabbits as part of our food storage. The chickens give eggs right now, but one day they’ll give meat. Horses may turn out to be our transportation, but my dogs, they’re my emotional security blankets
Everyone says "be prepared" but few offer advice to prepare the animals. If my dogs aren't fed... someone in the family’s going hungry, and it would probably be me.
I’ve found lots of ideas over the years working with preparedness and among them I hope you’ll find a few to make life easier on your pets if you had to evacuate your home temporarily or hunker down for a spell.

Dog need Tags...
With names and emergency numbers
Chip them
Get them a go bag
Let them loose if they're big
Think of others.. don't take them where they don't belong
Don't turn them loose in the wild
Get their shots..
Keep their shot record in your go-bag
Bring a dish for water
If you have 3 days food.. they need 3 days food
Dogs can have an aspirin
Put a neck scarf on them
let them carry something
Always have a leash
Doggie booties.. for the snow
Some animals are FOOD.. Prepare for that
Get some rabbits
Some animals are transportation..
They all need water

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